Sporting clubs are an integral part of the WA community and are in an ideal position to offer healthier food and drink options for players, coaches and spectators.

Hosting a Carnival or Final Series?

NRL WA in partnership with Healthway promotes the Fuel to Go & Play message! The Joondalup & Districts Rugby League Club have the Fuel to Go & Play® at the NRL WA Junior Semi-finals. Teresa (Club coordinator) & Davina (Canteen Manager) had the fridge stocked with loads of healthy options for members to fuel up on!  Check out the video to see how your club can have the Fuel to Go & Play® this finals series.

Download the carnivals and final series PDF


Are you hosting a sporting event or carnival?
When it comes to helping your players and spectators perform at their best, having healthy food and drinks available is key! NRL WA’s Fuel to Go & Play® Harmony Cup, hosted by Rockingham Sharks Rugby League did exactly that so that everyone had the Fuel to Go & Play®

South Perth Lions give healthy options a might roar!

Playing sports and healthy eating go hand in hand! Which is why the South Perth Lions Rugby League Club decided to convert their second canteen into a Fuel to Go & Play® kiosk filled with healthy options for the NRL WA Junior Finals Day. Download the South Perth Lions case study to read all about the days success. 

Perth Netball Association

Check out the fresh and delicious healthy food and drink options Perth Netball Association’s (PNA) Courtside Cafe. PNA have also committed to the Fuel to Go & Play® Accreditation Program, already reaching Level 1. Best of all, their profits are the same, if not better than before!

Ocean Ridge Junior Football Club

Ocean Ridge Junior Football Club have created a healthy canteen for their players, spectators and the wider community. Watch the video below to hear their top tips.

Kardy Kats kicking junk food off the menu

The Kardinya Junior Football Club, locally known as the ‘Kardy Kats’ have embraced the healthy eating message, making significant and successful changes to their club’s canteen menu! Download the Kardy Kats case study

Catering tips for cricket ‘tea’

Does your community venue have the Fuel to Go & Play®?

Whether you are from a local government, a health professional working with a community venue or are part of a sports club, recreation centre, entertainment venue or playcentre, we’d love to hear your story.

Contact us today!

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